A New Arc for Flight of the Condor

Plots and Subplots

I’m excited to report that my current work-in-progress, Flight of the Condor, has taken an important step towards completion.

I have finished plotting the third section of the book and now know how the story ends. 

Sounds funny, doesn’t it? Who would write a book not knowing the ending? But that wasn’t the case.

A ring ship like that in Flight of the Condor
Flight of the Condor is a sciences fiction story that takes place in a dystopian future. It features a colony ship not so different from the one pictured above.

I thought I knew the whole story when I started, but it twisted and evolved as I was writing it. That left me in the middle of the book with an ending that no longer made much sense. I had to stop writing and figure out where we went from there. What did I want to achieve? How will the characters grow? Who lives and who dies? What is the endgame here, and will it fit with the rest of the story?

The broad arc came to me one morning this week while I was lounging in bed. (I get some of my best ideas during this non-structured time where I have no concerns, no appointments, no demands to meet, solitude, comfort, and a clean mental slate.) The next day I filled in some more details and came up with a great new subplot that ties back to the earlier sections of the book quite nicely. 

Any good story has an arc, but I believe great stories have multiple arcs. Subplots within plots, if you will. Tying up most of these by the end of a novel is one of the tougher jobs an author faces. 

World Building

Condor starts in a dystopian future on an earth that has seen portions of the planet left uninhabitable after a nuclear war. 

I had fun creating the world, its rules, the society’s moral code, its religion, how it is governed, and its institutions. I know far more about it the world than makes it into the book, but such knowledge makes the story more real. It’s the infrastructure that supports the story like a foundation supports a house.

Later, the main character escapes Earth on a colony ship and starts raising a family while the ship travels to a new start system. When they land on a virgin planet, we get to see how people who have lived their entire lives in a sealed, man-made environment react to open fields, unending skies, dirt, and mud.

If you have not already done so, you are welcome to read an early excerpt from Flight of the Condor.


I love books, and I love a good story. Even better when they go hand-in-hand.

Once upon a time
Sometimes I yearn for the simplicity of a fairy tale.

Sure, I have a Kindle Fire, but reading it is so sterile compared to turning a physical page. I like to go to the bookstore or the library and feel the heft of a book. I want to look at the cover art, read the flyer or the blurbs on the back, check when it was published, and look at what else the author has written.

In my opinion, the online browsing experience leaves something to be desired. Unfortunately, it’s here to stay, with many books, especially those by indie authors, released only as ebooks.

I’m going to do my best to offer my books both ways.

Thank you

Thanks for your interest in my writing. If you’d like to know more about me, I refer you to my bio.

This is day one of the Website, so it’s a bit early to be making promises, so let’s just say I hope to be posting news, updates on projects, and perhaps the occasional article, essay, or short story here. Please subscribe for regular updates or check back a couple times a month.

The Images

None of the images on the home page and book pages are official or even 100% accurate.  They are not cover art, but simply art that I picked to represent the book.

Putting them together was a fun intellectual exercise.  I’ve always been told that a picture is worth a thousand words, but in these cases, they have to represent closer to 75,000 or 100,000 words, and that can be as much a challenge as summarizing a book in a three sentence blurb.

Art from Six Billion Reasons and Flight of the Condor
Art representing Six Billion Reasons and Flight of the Condor